Thursday, November 29, 2012

Happy 7 Months!

IMG_9058So she’s really almost 7.5 months, but shhh she’ll never know I posted this late. :)  I hate that 7 months means we’re on the downhill slope to being 1.  Not yet, not yet.  It’s going too fast.

No weight stats as we just did a quickie vaccine appointment and Owen was so grumpy that I didn’t have them weigh her.  She’s definitely smaller than Owen who was already 20 lbs at this point!  We had already transitioned him to his bigger car seat.  But even though she’s heavy, the bucket seat is still working for a bit longer.  I like being able to throw blankets over her instead of bundling her up when we go outside.  IMG_9068New Things She's Learning/Doing: We're starting to hear tons more consonant sounds in her talk.   There are times I swear she is saying mama, mama.  Her sweet little girly voice just melts my heart.  Although she still has a very loud screech going on sometimes.  She sits, can get down back onto her belly, and is a rolling machine.  She can get exactly where she needs to go by rolling or scooting backwards and I don’t think it will be but a few more days before she’s crawling!  She’s banging toys together and is clapping her hands so adorably.  She is also starting to let Owen know that she is not happy with him when he takes away a toy from her.IMG_9069 Sleep: Well, I think I jinxed myself by thinking she was going to be a better sleeper.  Well, during the day time she is.  She takes 3 naps that are pretty predictable and just jabbers for awhile and puts herself to sleep.  Night time has moved up quite a bit and usually she needs to be in bed by 6 or 6:30.  She does a good stretch until 10 or 11, but then she thinks she’s a newborn and gets up every 2 hours wanting to “eat.”  Uggh, gotta change this somehow!IMG_9071Food:  Well, we took a week or so off of food because the poor thing got sick.  Runny noses and coughs from babies are so awful. So she didn’t have much of an appetite and I wanted to pump her full of breast milk, so just in this last week, she’s started eating “solids” again.  Pretty much loves it all so far and is still the messiest eater I’ve ever seen.IMG_9098Randoms:  Still loves loves loves her brother.  Opens her mouth to give “kisses.”  And still keeps her headbands on.  That’s my girl!IMG_9055 Love you so much Ellison Jakeh!!IMG_8962IMG_9048 blog-signature-1


  1. I tried to leave a comment the other day, but I don't think my Kindle lets me leave comments actually. :(

    These pictures are darling! I especially like #3. Totally looks like Philip to me!

    1. Aww thanks! Yep, she's definitely more of a Hoerr than Owen is. :)

    2. Aww thanks! Yep, she's definitely more of a Hoerr than Owen is. :)
