My little girl is 5 months!! The post is a bit late because as always, we were waiting on a weight report from her vaccination appointment. Ellie is weighing in at 16lbs, 5 oz. She’s wearing her 6-9 month clothing very easily and is still in her size 3 diapers.
Sleeping: Well, she’s definitely still a better sleeper than Owen, although her night sleep isn’t as great this month as it was at the beginning. She does a short nap about an hour after she gets up. Another one around 11, and then a long chunk one from around 2-5 (with a nursing break or short wake in here). She’s been going down earlier, between 7 and 8, but she’s been getting up a ton. Like 4-6 times. Boo. But Owen’s been sleeping awful too lately and I’m trying to juggle them both so William can get up early to study. So sometimes it just doesn’t work very well. Hoping she starts sleeping longer chunks soon! At least she puts herself to sleep wonderfully, unlike her brother.
Eating: Still loving nursing. She’s a quick eater, but I love how excited she gets about eating. She waits for it, getting excited, and then dives in! She loves stroking my chin and sometimes gouging my cheek with her fingernail. :) Every couple days I get un-lazy and try to give her some big people good. She’s tried avocado (loved), peas (hated), and rice cereal (liked). She also tried some banana in her Fresh Food Feeder which is like a mesh pacifier. She loved these but they stopped her a up a bit so we’ll hold off a bit.
Milestones and other tidbits: She is pretty much sitting up! I still have to be close and usually have a pillow behind her, but she’s doing it. If she has something in her hand, she forgets she’s sitting up and doesn’t topple over. I have a feeling she may be moving a bit quicker than Owen. She rolls from front to back and back to front and does it on both sides!

She loves blowing bubbles with her lips and mimics me like we’re having a conversation:
She is a screecher. I think she just really wants to be heard amongst all the noise her brother makes.

She loves her jumperoo and her favorite toys are a little doll and any of Owen’s cars.

She loves bath time in her Bumbo with her brother. Even when he dumps water in her face, she shrieks and laughs.

She loves loves loves her brother. I think he may be her favorite, not me. She giggles at him and lets him squeeze her and give her kisses. She watches his every move.

Everything goes in her mouth and the drool is everywhere. But Owen didn’t get his first tooth until he was 10 months, so I’m not getting excited for those yet.

I’m just loving this little girl so much! It’s hard to imagine life without her. As a fun side note, I wrote this all and then went to go look at
Owen’s 5 month post. Amazing how similar they are! :)
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