Well faithful blog readers, the email just went out to the larger family and you’re the next to know. This is why the blog has been a bit quiet lately. I’ve been working on quite the craft project:
We’re having a blob! Haha. Well, that’s what the picture below looks like anyways. But it’s a blog that has a cute little heartbeat and wicked sense of making their momma sick. Baby Pool #3 is on the way!!
So here's a couple commonly asked questions that I've been asked when people have found out!
When did you find out?
It was our first round of trying this time. We’ve never been so lucky to have it work the first time. I think God just shook his head and agreed with my OCD this time. You see, we have birthdays in Feb (William), March (me), April (Ellie), and June (Owen). So a birthday in May would have all of our spring months covered. I know, crazy right. But it worked! Haha
I had a few things that made me get my hopes up that I was pregnant and started testing around 7days past ovulation. At 9DPO on Friday, September 6 I saw two lines on an internet cheapy and then took this:
For dinner that night, I picked up baby’s breath, baby back ribs, baby carrots, and sugar babies. William was very excited!!
Wednesday, September 11 - went and did first round of bloodwork. I learned my progesterone and HCG was ok!
Monday, Sept 20 - I met with the nurse to fill out all the paperwork and drink the nasty orange drink for my second major round of bloodwork.
Friday, October 4 – had my first ultrasound and saw a beautiful heartbeat (156 bmp). Also had my first midwife appointment with Carissa, the newest addition to the midwife team.
When are you due?
There was a little debate as I have really LONG cycles and they had me due around May 8. But I knew exactly when I ovulated (well, within a day or so) and the ultrasound confirmed my dating. So May 21st it is. That means that Ellie and her little brother or sister will be about 25 months apart.
So, how far along does that make you?
I'm in week 8!
How are you feeling?
Well, I've been trying really hard not to complain. Because I am so so thankful that it took no time at all this round to get pregnant and that things are working so far. So this will be my one time shot to say that I have been SO sick, maybe even worse than I had with Ellie. (can you say girl again maybe?) I’m on Zofran and an additional drug for the nights that makes me sleepy. It’s helped marginally but I’m still puking, losing weight, and being a slug of a mom. William has been a rock star and has stepped up with everything else that’s falling apart around here including food prep, cleaning, and keeping the kids alive. Just praying me through until second trimester. I’m looking forward to eating anything besides Saltine crackers!
Will you find out the sex (and tell us)?
Yes and yes. We'll be finding out late December and will definitely share the news! I love that all “pressure” is off for the this baby. Boy or girl, we’d be thrilled. I’d love for O to have a brother and E to have a sis. I’d love to open Owen’s tubs of clothes again but all of Ellison’s hair bows could use another use. So either way, it’ll be great!
Prayers Needed
We do need to ask for prayers for one more thing. During the ultrasound, they found a small 1 cm subchorionic hemorrhage/hematoma. It’s basically the pooling of blood between the chorion, a membrane surrounding the embryo, and the uterine wall. She tried to make me not scared saying it doesn’t greatly increase our chances for miscarriage, but she would be surprised if I didn’t bleed. So we have a plan for how much blood warrants a call/visit to the ER, etc. Definitely makes me nervous,. So just pray it heals up and doesn’t get any bigger!
Ok, I think that's it for now. I’ve already started getting excited for the his/her birth story! We are so thankful it took such a short time for it to work and we're in love with this little peanut already!
Hooray! I was just checking fb to see if you announced. So excited for you. Congratulations :) Race ya to the hospital!!
ReplyDeleteI'm so excited for you as well.
ReplyDeleteAbout the SCH, will definitely pray. They really don't do anything most of the time (except scare you of course) ~ those are common with IVF/surrogacy so I definitely got some education on all that. The fact that you are over 8 weeks and going strong is a great indication that the little blood pocket will likely absorb without further issue.
Feel free to complain! Much as we love our little ones, sometimes pregnancy really does stink!!! :-)
Congratulations!!! I'm so excited for all of you--and will be praying, too! YAY!!!