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Friday, October 9, 2009

not so great news

I am all for people that are learning a new profession. That's why I am going to have a student teacher this spring. But when my arm and veins are involved, I'm a little more cautious. I cut out right after school and headed to the lab for more blood work today. As the lady was getting on her gloves and preparing the needles, she explained that she was a student in training, but had done plenty of blood work and I didn't need to worry at all. She did give me the option of saying no, but I'm a trusting person right? The prick hurt a little more than normal and then really started to hurt. I looked down just in time to see blood pouring out of my arm, onto the chair, and of course onto my new jeans. She starts panicking a little and apologizing profusely. Her supervisor comes over to help clean me up and then gets another set of needles ready for my other arm. While the student cleans up my arm and chair, the teacher stabs my other arm and gets the job done. At this time, I start feeling a little woozy. I'm not sure if it was from seeing the blood all over, or the loss of 7 viles of blood. A glass of orange juice later, I was feeling like I could actually walk back to my car.

And that's where my funny nature ends. Tonight, I went with Lori to hang out with a bunch of girls at Buffalo Wild Wings. Right as we were getting seated, I got a call from Anne, the midwife nurse I had met with earlier in the week. She asked if I had a little time, so I went outside and prepared myself for the bad news. She said my beta numbers weren't doubling like they should. On Wednesday, they were 4801 and then 49 hours later they were 7240. So they're going up, but she said it wasn't as high as she had expected it to be. But the scary number was my progesterone is at 11. Now, I'm not quite sure what that means, but I can tell you it's not great. She gave me the long talk about preparing for a third loss. I'm getting put on a progesterone suppliment and will be taking off school on Monday so we can get in for an emergency ultrasound.

Please Lord, not again.

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