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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Savoy Orchard Days

This afternoon, we headed just down the street to Savoy Orchard Days.  It’s a small little festival that’s held at a park just blocks from our house.  Owen hadn’t been big enough in the past to even try it out, but I thought this year might be the year he’d enjoy some rides.  We talked it up and he couldn’t wait to ride!  Well that was until he actually got on.Not a second after I took this picture, he started to scream that he wanted off.  Luckily the kind lady at the front gave us our tickets back and Owen was spared from going around in a slow circle.Picture 1353Ellie, on the other hand, could not wait to get on a small ride.  The ride “engineer” would only let her if she was strapped in with another kid.  Ok, whatever.  She loved it and went on it twice!
Picture 1354After we gave away the rest of our ride tickets, we decided to visit a booth of a friend from church.  Joy does amazing face painting!  Her business is called the Joy of Facepainting.  I’m not just talking about a rainbow or smiley face, but works on art on people’s faces.  Check out her blog here.

We knew she’d have to be fast with Ellie, so she did some quick little ladybugs.  Ellie just kept touching and looking at her arm.Picture 1361Owen had just won a car playing a game.  Joy simply looked at the car and recreated it on his arm (he didn’t want it on his face).Picture 1359Picture 1358Owen loved it.  We went to BW3’s afterwards to visit a friend who was serving that night.  He kept his hand on the table to keep looking at it and refused to wash it off during bath.Picture 1363 Picture 1364Even though the rides were a bust, it was a fun family afternoon!

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