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Sunday, September 26, 2010


Just asking for prayers. I knew a regression would happen, but these last 2 days have been awful. Tonight he took 2 hours to go to sleep and has been up at 11:45-12, 1-1:15, 2:30-2:50, 4-4:30 and is now crying again. I think I'm delirious from lack of sleep and my well of patience is running dry.

Any good sleep training success stories out there to keep me going?


  1. Hang in there...hang in there...hang in there! It totally SUCKS right now, but it will soon be worth it. We worked super hard (and cried, groaned, and suffered for a while) but it is worth it. She has been a GREAT sleeper since our "rough spell." She goes to bed (just lays down after her book) around 8, usually talks for about 20 mins, and then sleeps until 8'ish in the morning. And she takes 2'ish hour naps too. It was HARD for a while, but I am so glad we pushed through. I remember putting a note on her door that said, "She is fine. Do not go in and get her. This is for everyone's good." (We did a little different sleep training than you're doing). It is such a relief now to just put her down and walk away. She wakes up happy, and is an overall joyful little girl. We'll keep praying. I know how hard this time can be. You are a GOOD mama. You are doing this because you LOVE Owen. Don't believe anything else that starts to creep in your mind. You're doing great...hang in there!!

  2. I ended up doing the thing I swore I would never do -- I slept on the futon holding her (we were both wedged in such a way we couldn't move) for 6-8 weeks. She would sleep 8 hours that way and ONLY that way. I would try her cradle every night with the same results. I put up her crib and the first time I put her in it at night she went right to sleep. I thought I'd pass out! I put the lovely bumper pads I'd made on the crib and she screamed at night. Took them off, she was fine.... Turns out she didn't like her cradle with the solid sides at night.

    Pray, pray, pray, pray. :-) And then let grandma and grandpa take him for a night. :-)

  3. So sorry to hear you guys are struggling! You can do it. We have been having success with the CIO thing lately (she only cried for FIVE minutes before going to sleep tonight)... sorry I don't have better advice for you, but I will be praying. Oh, and also if it is at all possible you should let Dad take some of the wake-ups. :)


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