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Thursday, March 4, 2010

26 weeks

Warning, this is turning into a long one tonight. So, I remind you that some of the purpose of this blog is for his baby book (if I ever get around to making it)!

How far along? 26 weeks yesterday. We're in the double digits (96 days) until he's here!
I'm feeling: Overall, pretty good. But, whereas before, I could pretty much ignore the fact that I was pregnant. . .not anymore. I am daily more aware of my insides getting squished and my outside, well, is growing. I'm definitely more out of breath and just can't walk as fast, lift as much, or just be out doing normal life without feeling more tired.
Freak-out of the week: Monday was a pretty rough day at school. When I got home, I laid down for awhile which is usually when I feel our little guy move. When William got home, I was kinda in a panic that I hadn't felt him move all day. I pushed him around, ate some food. Nothing. More panic. I drank a couple glasses of diet coke and then jumped around. Still nothing. I decided to not call 911 :) and just take my VLI midterm. After taking that, while talking to my mom he gave me one little poke. That was it. But I have never felt such a huge rush of relief. I know that days like this will be totally normal, especially as he starts to run out of room. But I thanked God a lot that I have a baby that if born today, could possibly make it. But baby boy, don't get any ideas. You still have some cooking to do!
Baby highlight of week: We had our 26 week appointment on Tuesday. She said my belly felt great and that Baby Pool was head down (please stay that way little man). We listened to his heart which was beating once again at 140 bpm. All in all, a quick appointment that went really well. In two weeks, I go back for my gestational diabetes test. Maybe I should stop eating sugar these next 2 weeks.
Movement: Since my uterus is now 4 inches about my belly button, I'm feeling movement a little more all over my stomach. Still not all the time, but a little everyday.
Sleep: I got 3 charlie horses this week in my foot and calf while sleeping. My mom said she frequently got these in her 3rd trimester. Ouch!!
Names: I give up. Really, we just haven't talked much about names this week so I have no progress to report on.
Projects: Fabric is being ordered and we'll pick out paint this week. The furniture arrived! We just put one piece together since we still need to clean the room, carpet, paint, etc. I really love it though!

Today was so sunny and beautiful that I finally got to go for a walk! It felt so great to be outside! So, here's a quick pre-walk picture since I don't like many of my others from this week. Notice the weird shape of my belly. The top needs to round out a little more. :) Notice also, the shorter, darker hair courtesy of my sister of course!


  1. I used to get those cramps in my calves too! The best advice I have for them is to flex/stretch your foot up when you feel it coming on. If you flex your foot down/point your toes, it makes the cramp worse. Hope that helps!

  2. Emily, I had a bit of a pointy tummy too at about the time you are at :) You look great.

    And I got the charlie horse cramps too. When you stretch in bed, don't point your toes, that can sometimes trigger them.


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