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Saturday, July 20, 2013

Happy Anniversary!

It's hard to believe that 6 years ago, we were taking these pictures on one of the happiest days of my life: Yes, my flowers weren’t quite what I had envisioned.  And my cake was a disaster (thank you P, C, A, and A for not letting me know about that until I saw it fixed).  And there are pictures I regret not taking, etc.  But at the end of the day, I was married to William.  And that’s been one of the best decisions I ever made.

Tonight, we headed out to where we had our rehearsal dinner, Radio Maria.  This was still in our minds one of the best dinners we ever ate.  It was such a fun night filled with (lots of) wine, good food, and fabulous friends.  Here was the little menu I made for that evening:IMG_5742 And a few shots of us:14IMG_5746 And William’s plate.  Which I’m glad I took a picture of because after tonight’s dinner, I can for surely say the prices have gone up and the portions have gotten smaller. :)IMG_7073But it was still delicious!  IMG_0576 After dinner, we walked over to Cream and Flutter for amazing coffee and cupcakes.  And then we stayed outside a bit enjoying the C/U Music Festival.IMG_0570And then we (hangs head in shame) went to Lowe’s and Target.  And yes, we bought stuff for the kids.IMG_0573But it was so nice to have real conversation and not get up five million times in the middle of my meal.  And just fun hanging out with my main squeeze.

Happy Anniversary William!  I love you so much more than I did then.  Here’s to many years more!blog-signature-1

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