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Sunday, February 7, 2010

I'm a dork

This entry is solely to document that I'm a little nuts sometimes. Well, according to my husband at least. Ok, so here's the story. When I found out I was pregnant in September, our camera was pretty much out of commission. So I took pictures of the "pee stick" with my cell phone. Worked fine for facebook and the likes.

But fast forward to this week. I'm starting to put pictures into a photobook that I'll print after the baby is here. While I LOVE to scrapbook, I'll be honest that my wedding book isn't completely done yet, so I'm not even going to attempt to scrapbook this pregnancy. I already feel guilty that I haven't knitted a single item for my little guy. Anywhoo, so I was uploading the pictures and got an error because the resolution was so bad on the picture. So, yesterday while I was at Target buying KY jelly for Eric and Amy Kauffman's reception, I happened to notice that the pregnancy tests were on sale. So I grabbed one and hid it in the bottom of my bag. I got it home, peed on the stick and got some pictures with our new camera to replace the bad ones in the photobook. Whew, William didn't find out I basically just peed on a $10 bill.

Fast forward to this morning at church while we are talking to Tia (my little bro's girlfriend who we love dearly). We were talking about delivery (not pizza kind if you know what I mean) and I somehow said "I hope I can say after he's here that I want to do it again!" Then William piped up that I had just bought a pregnancy test yesterday, so he was worried I was already thinking about it. Totally busted. How he saw the box, I have no idea. So, here's the proof (again) that I really am pregnant.



  1. That's pretty hilarious. And hey, you know you're still pregnant. ;)

  2. Btw, I just got finished writing a ridiculously long blog post about cloth diapering for my preggo sister-in-law. I don't know if you're interested at all, but I spent way too long writing this post, so I thought I'd send it your way just in case you are curious: :)

  3. I love it!!! :)

    P.S. I went shopping on Superbowl Sunday, too. STUPID!!!

  4. That is too funny! I would have done the same thing! :)

  5. I'm glad you blogged about this!! :-)


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