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Sunday, July 4, 2010

4th of July

I cannot believe it's the 4th of July! Where is this summer going? We went to Walmart the other day and I saw this:School supplies already?! I must admit I did a little jig inside. This is the first time since I was 5 (that's right, five) years old that I won't be getting ready to go back to school. That's 24 years of school, either going or teaching. It's so weird, yet I'm so excited!

Although we didn't see any fireworks, we had a great time at my mom and dad's. They had everyone over who is even slightly thinking about going to Peoria on the church plant. There was an amazing spread of food and great conversation. Owen was quite decked out for the occasion in his red, white, and blue:

1 comment:

  1. Church planting... So many emotions in just two words. Sigh.


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