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Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday!  I am so thankful for my awesome little family and the awesome things God’s done for us this year.

Jenna may have gotten some better pictures of these cuties, so you’ll probably be seeing these cute outfits again.  Yes, I was crazy and made outfits for the kids to wear for all of about 4 hours.  But I couldn’t resist after seeing so many cute turkey things on Etsy.   No patterns for the shirts, I just winged them.  And I’m saving the skirt details for my Pinned It post on Monday.  Of course I made her a turkey bow and then promptly left it at home.  Oh well. 
IMG_8991The only way he’d sit for a picture is with a cookie bribe. :)IMG_8998 IMG_9005 Checking out all the lumber for the house that’s being built next to my parent’s place.IMG_9008My grandma hosted Thanksgiving this year.  It’s a far cry from what it used to be with dozens of cousins.  But it was fun all the same.  And the food is always amazing.  I look forward to my grandma’s coconut cream pie all year long! Picture 410 Picture 408Owen loved getting out all the old cars and tractors that my dad used to play with when he was little.IMG_9014 IMG_9017 IMG_9018IMG_9023We’re looking forward to a few more fun days here in Peoria with my parents and Jenna.  And Philip & Kara get in on Sunday!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Music Class

I'm definitely post-dating the next couple blog entries.  Because I am far behind.  Doing my data entry stuff has to be a bit of a priority for us now right now, so my blogging time has been severely lacking! Just a boring post about last Saturday's music class.  We decided to all go this time as William had never been.  Ellison really enjoyed playing the shakers and dancing around.  I think we've decided to register him for the spring session as well as it's been a really fun mommy/son time.
looking grown up and cute
listening to Mr. Bob
don't let the frown fool ya, she liked it


Monday, November 19, 2012

Pinned It, Did It Monday! {2 recipes and 2 skirts}

pinned itI was wondering why this wasn’t posted this afternoon when I checked.  Guess when I wrote it last night, I set it to publish tonight at 6, not this morning.  Whoops.

Welcome to Pinned It, Did It Monday where I show you the pins or ideas I’ve actually implemented from Pinterest.  Remember that clicking on the picture will take you directly to pinterest so you can repin it yourself.  Or I’ve linked the actual source as well!pin #1I’ve been a kick for pinning skirts to sew for Ellie.  So be warned you may see a lot of them coming up in the future. :)
Picture I Pinned:
Source: Easy Baby Skirts from Delia Creates
My picture:shirts to skirtsMy review: This was a very easy tutorial to follow, even though sewing with knits is not for the faint of heart.  These two shirts were in my goodwill pile so it was “free” fabric.  The blue one was an old maternity shirt that had a large stain on it.  Can you find it?  Haha.  Although the skirts are cute, there are no elastic in them.  I found them a little difficult to get on Ellie without worrying about ripping a seam.  While a great fabric stash buster, I’m not sure I’ll be making these again.  I think I’ll stick to cute little skirts that have elastic in the #2I seriously have to look up how to hard boil eggs every time I do it, so I thought I might as well pin this so I know where to look.
Picture I Pinned:
how to hard boil eggs
Source: Perfect Hard Boiled Eggs from Musings of a Housewife
My review: No pics from me as it would have looked exactly like the picture above.  Except in a brown bowl.  Followed the instructions exactly and it made perfect eggs!  Definitely a winner pin here!pin 3And a recipe for you.
Picture I Pinned:
Source: Slow Cooker Cilantro Lime Chicken from Pip and Ebby
My picture: Note to self.  Do not become a food photographer.  Taken in bad lighting with my phone.  Look at her picture, not mine.Picture 441My review:  This was really good!  William wants it on the regular rotation.  I made mine a touch spicier using this seasoning as opposed to the taco packet.  But super easy to let it sit in the crockpot.  I shredded the chicken at the end and we rolled it in tortillas with lettuce, sour cream, and cheese.  Yum!  I also made these ribs, which were very good, but am too lazy to add to this right now.  Good night all, I’m in for a doozer of a night I know as both O and E are sick.  :(

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

another hair cut!

Owen’s last hair cut a cheapie “salon” was, well, awful.  We were trying to hold out for Aunt Jenna to come home to cut his hair.   But she’s trying not to check any bags and hence, can’t bring her shears in her carry ons.  So today, I took Owen to the gal I tried last month, Tashia (like Asia with a T) at the John George Salon over by us in Savoy.  She did a great job with mine and did awesome with this little guy.  He started off happy (with the huge sucker I brought for bribery.Picture 413-002 Picture 414-002 Picture 415-001 But don’t let the pictures deceive you.  Soon after they were taken, he started melting down and refusing to hold still.  Tashia and another gal did an awesome job of trying to distract him while I put him on my lap and ended up having to hold his head for a few cuts.  The gal next to Tashia even pulled out her phone to try and show Owen pictures of her tractor.  Ellie just watched in dismay from the stroller. :) Picture 416It needs to grow just a bit more in the back to fix what the last gal did to it, but overall, it looks much better for our pictures next week!Picture 417

Monday, November 12, 2012

How to extend the life of your kid’s pajamas

pinned itWelcome to Pinned It, Did it Monday.  Every Monday, I share some of the things I’ve actually done from Pinterest this week.  My crafts have been nothing new this week as I’m finishing up some baby shower gifts for tonight.  But today, I bring you my first pin from my blog.  Meaning, I blogged this, and then pinned it! Haha.  Kinda cheating on actually doing some of the other things I’ve pinned.  But oh well.  Maybe next week I’ll actually get back on the ball for this #1We got a batch of clothes from friends and there was this cute pair of pajamas.  They looked brand new. . .until you got down to the feet.  Little Vincent wore those soles hard.  But I didn’t want to throw them away as they literally were in perfect shape.  So here’s what I did.IMG_8154
Step 1: take a seam ripper, turn the foot part inside out, and slowly rip the seam out.  This may have been the longest part of this whole thing.IMG_8156Step 2: once the bottom of the feet are separated, use them as a pattern to cut out 2 new bottoms.  I used fleece just because I had it on hand.Picture 429Step 3: Carefully pin the new bottoms to the outside of the foot seams.  The yellow bottoms are actually a bit smaller than the actual hole.  This will make more room for their little feet.  So just pin evenly all the way around.Picture 407Step 4: I used a zig-zag stitch all the way around the oval.Picture 408Picture 409Repeat with other foot:Picture 411Step 5: Turn inside out and admire your new pajamas!IMG_8865sewing2Optional Step 6: The original feet had grippers on them.  Fleece can be a little slippery, so after I was done, I decided to add my own “grippers.”  I grabbed a bottle of puffy paint and did a little decorating.  After this dried overnight, it worked perfectly to add a little traction to Owen’s feet.Picture 413And there you have it, a way to extend the life of those pajamas a little longer.  Because we all know they grow like weeds and anytime I can save a little money on his wardrobe, I'll do it.  Or let me know if I can fix any of your kiddo’s pjs. :)

Sunday, November 11, 2012

weekend with Grandma and Grandpa

What a nice weekend we’ve had!!  My mom and dad came down Friday afternoon and stayed for about 24 hours.  Short, but very sweet.  Friday night was our first date night without both kids. Sad, I know.  But Ellie doesn’t take a bottle well at all (totally my fault for not starting it earlier) so I haven’t really left her with anyone.  But she did awesome for Grandma and Grandpa and everyone survived the dinner/bath/bedtime craziness.  William and enjoyed some Mexican food and awesome mojitos!  And then we ran errands.  Oh what dates nights succumb too.  But it was fun to be together and we ended the night with some yummy Starbucks.  Red cups are here!!

Saturday morning, my mom came with Owen and I to our music class at CU School of Music.   He is so funny in this class.  He doesn’t really participate (unless it’s the instrument time) but then the second he gets in the car, he can sing all the songs back verbatim.  He must just soak it all in.Picture 421-001 Picture 426-001Saturday was the most beautiful day, so the minute we got home, we went outside to soak in the rays.IMG_8870 Owen convinced G&G to help him swing.IMG_8867 And swing some more.  This kid loves his swings.IMG_8873Here were the best attempts at a group picture.  Ellie wouldn’t look and Owen wouldn’t smile and I took the picture looking into the sun.  Let’s hope Jenna has better luck in a couple weeks!IMG_8884IMG_8885They went to the U of I football game and then headed home.  Really looking forward to spending more time with them, Jenna, Philip, and Kara at Thanksgiving.  We’ll miss you Casey!

Today was church and an impromptu lunch at Steak and Shake.  I really wanted to praise Owen for doing such an awesome job with staying dry so he even got to have a milkshake.Picture 433-001Cute note about church.  Owen got in the car singing one of the worship sings they did.  We found it on YouTube and we’ve sung it about 100 times today.

Didn’t get a picture of Ellison in her whole outfit, but man it was a cute one today.  Guess we’ll have to repeat the outfit soon so she can show off her boots. Picture 428And now, “back to life, back to reality.”  Who sings that song.  Darn, now it’s going to be stuck in my head.
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