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Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Baby Sprinkle!

I told my small group ladies that I didn't want or need shower/sprinkle for this little guy.  I have all the clothes I need from Owen and really only had one or two items on my “must” buy list.  But they insisted and it was super fun to celebrate with the 3 (yes 4 total) pregnant ladies in our small group.   Christine had decorated adorably and made us feel so special.
IMG_1766-001 IMG_1767This has been a little joke in our girl’s nights.  Christine has a love of “ranking” things and it progressed into this fun game for the night.  We each brought one or two flavors of M&M’s.  There are 12 flavors on that table and that’s not even all the flavors out there.  Then, we sat around the table and munched on chocolate!IMG_1771-001Christine had made this adorable ranking sheet and as we ate, we gave the flavors numbers 1-12.  Then we shared our rankings and answered fun ice-breaker type questions about ourselves that related to the flavor.  For example, the mega M&M’s question was “What’s your mega dream job?” IMG_17792 pink baskets and 2 blue!IMG_1775I just love these ladies.  They are so real and it’s wonderful knowing I have a group of ladies that I can weekly spill my guts to!  They spoiled us and now the closet is full of diapers ready for the little man.IMG_1782-001 I made a few little bibs to tuck in with all the diapers and wipes!photo 1 photo 22 of the babies have made their appearance as of publishing this.  One more down and then we’re up!!

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