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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

38 weeks!

(credit: my cousin Alli had this on her Facebook. Love it!)

How far along? 38 weeks today! We are pre-registered at the hospital, the classes are done, my bags are somewhat packed, and the car seat is installed. Any time little man. We're ready (well, as ready as any new parents are).
I'm feeling: better this week than last! I account that to not being at school. I went by school Monday to say hi and pick up a few things. I was only there for about 45 minutes and was drenched in sweat and ready for a nap. Today, I went for the first grade picnic and to tie up a few things that still needed to be done. But I am so thankful that my maternity leave worked out with a great sub who is dealing with the furnace, and the outside field day, instead of me!
Movement: He's really slowing down. Still has hiccups, but I only feel a few jabs instead of the constant movement. Maybe he's getting ready to make his descent?!
I'm thankful for: almost being done. But so much more. I was telling a friend, I really wanted to try to THINK about this pregnancy this week. It's easy to just go on with life and not actually process this whole thing that's been happening the last 9 (10) months. I am so thankful that my morning sickness ended around 16 weeks. I know some of you ladies puked until your little person made their appearance. I'm thankful I've only has heartburn a handful of times and have only used 1/4 of a bottle of Tums. I'm thankful for a boring, non complicated pregnancy with no gestational diabetes or GBS. I think the conclusion I've come to is that I like being pregnant. I thought I'd be one of those people who loved it and I don't think I am. I love being able to feel him move and I love that my body can do this. But I'm really ready for the him being here part!
Weight gain: ok, I'm all for transparency here. And I'll need some accountability when this weight needs to come off. So more for my record, this little man has added about 35 pounds to my body. Hello lots of long walk with my new stroller.
Labor Signs: still none. I really don't know if I've even had any Braxton Hicks contractions. You can go into labor without any previous signs, right?
And a belly pic from this week: My wardrobe is really getting low on choices!

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about the weight gain too much. I gained 50 pounds. And I lost weight the first trimester! It can all come off, but be gentle on yourself and give yourself at least year. I lost my last poundage when I quit nursing. I think the hardest part about the waiting is just wanting to KNOW that little person so badly!


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