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Friday, August 27, 2010


My sweet little man is starting to love blankets up by his face and rubbing them between his fingers. Darn, I guess I'll HAVE to get on Etsy and get him a couple "lovies." :) Maybe a tag blanket? Do any of your kids have favorite blankets or stuffed animals? I'm definitely picking up one of these from Angel Dear that we have at Bella. They're SO soft!


  1. Lizzy still as a dolly she sleeps with. Even at 11. This is less obvious with blankets, but make sure anything you get that has the potential to be THE ONE is washable. We've actually gone through several of the same dolly over the years, until she got bright enough to recognize one from another, even though they looked exactly the same. But I'd be lost if Dolly wasn't washable!!!

  2. Bella has the flower Angel Dear lovie and LOVES it! I love that it's not huge and packs easily into the diaper bag (and washes wonderfully!)


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