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Tuesday, June 8, 2010

his name

I love name meanings! Throughout the process of trying to get to a name for this little guy, many names have been crossed off my list because they didn't have good meanings. I think a name speaks volumes about who you hope this new little person will be. Our family's names and meanings:

  • Emily - industrious (I would like to think that this describes me pretty well)
  • Jakeh - pious, aka 'marked by or showing reverence for deity and devotion to divine worship' (This name comes from Proverbs 30:1 and I can't wait for my first girl to have it too.)
  • William - resolute protector (LOVE this as it describes him and our relationship so perfectly)
  • Ellis - my God is the Lord (cannot wait to use this name! I'm loving Ellison for a someday girl, Ellie for short)

On Sunday, Pam was praying for Baby Pool and prayed that he would be a warrior. My eyes flew open as I said "that's what Owen means!" Yet another confirmation that we're 99% sure that will be his name.

  • Owen - young warrior, well-born (I've also been praying that the well-born part would be his birth story)
  • James - supplanter (ok, so not the best meaning in the world. But it's my grandpa's name, my dad's middle name, and my brother Philip's middle name. So it's an important line that I want to carry on!)

So all that being said, we are so looking forward to actually meeting Owen James. But I'm still saying that we have all rights to change our minds at the last minute. :) Not about him, the name.

1 comment:

  1. Don't change it, it is perfect!

    Kieran means 'dark one.' Not too sure about that, but we still loved the name. Some definitions I found say it refers to a dark complexion/hair instead of personality. So that made me feel better. Although he is looking fair skinned and blonde, with light eyes so far!!! LOL! Not my brown hair or eyes at all.


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